I know this is not the most flattering picture, but thats me in the hospital after my surgery with some of my awesome friends, hopped up on a ton of drugs. I had so many visitors and such an amazing support system, and thankfully my mom and dad down from Montana to cuddle me.
This is exactly one year later, at my "No Evidence of Disease" or "NED" dinner. So many of my lovely friends came out. I am really bummed that I didn't take any pictures, but I do have this one. Everyone looks so happy. I look at myself in the first photo and then in the second...its like a completely different person. I can't believe how much weight I have lost. How much happier I look, or feel for that matter. I don't know if it was the growing cancer inside me that was causing me to be so miserable... but I really was. I was just so lost. In all aspects of my life. And now... well I am just not that person anymore. Everything feels so full of hope and potential. Don't get my wrong, I have my moments and days when things don't go right. Things are just better.
Two days later, My friend Rose and I decided to make cake pops in the shape of kidneys....seemed like a good idea at the time...
The insides had to be red velvet of course.

Once they were shaped into little kidneys, it was time to candy coat them...which was when things went a little down hill.

Needless to say, they weren't pretty but were delicious. In the end we decided they probably look just how my kidney actually looks. We laughed really hard and ate a lot of cake...so I wasn't disappointed with how they turned out in the least. I was going to post the recipe, but I think that if i link back to the person I got it from she may not want to be associated with my pics.
Its been a really great year. Fuck You Cancer, but in some strange sick way, thank you.
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