Friday, April 6, 2012

Patterns Patterns Patterns

    Loralie from Ellenore Postmarked came by today to look at the progress of the apartment and to discuss what was next on our list of projects.  Its actually been a few days since I have been in my apartment during the day, so it was a nice reminder how warm and lovely the space is. I was looking at pictures of the apartment from just a few months ago... the change is awesome! 




    Its a whole new space. I love the pale pink color. Its strangely neutral for being pink and the light reflects so warmly off it. The rug is awesome too. I don't know if you can see it in the photos but the chevrons are all different widths and spacing. It has a somewhat chaotic feel to it that I love. I think it throws off the girliness a bit. I also really enjoyed how Loralie seemed to really be in love with the room as well. I know I know, she designed it, but she seemed genuinely tickled as to how it was coming along.  

We still have a few more projects for the room. First is the panels on the murphy closet. Loralie and I really like the idea of filling them with a pattern so they aren't so stark white. That fabric will also be used to cover a backing for the Ikea shelves so they feel less dorm room. Earlier in the week she dropped off some fabric samples. This is the one I fell in love with:

    Its actually more of a mustard yellow in real life. I feel like it will play off the pink really well. I also like that it goes with all my already very geometric feeling patterns.

    We also chose some fabric to make a few throw pillows as well. I love how it ties all the colors in the room together.  

    Next weekend we are going to go look for economical pet friendly sofas, aka what does Ikea have that is comfy and looks well made. In order to prepare for this adventure, I downloaded the pantone app onto my phone and snapped a few pics for swatches and color matching. The app is pretty incredible. You take a pic with your iPhone (sorry bb and android...not yet suckas!) and it color matches it for you. If the color doesn't seem exact, they also have all of their fandecks in the app and you can access them as well! I made a quick color palette and emailed it to Loralie and myself so we will have it handy on the day.

    Pretty cool right? The top is the Moroccan rug,  next the chevron rug, followed by the nailhead chairs, the walls and finally the awesome ottoman. I freaking love this app. for reals.  I hope you all have a nice easter. I am about to hop a plain the Arizona... travel safe and enjoy the weekend!


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