Monday, January 2, 2012


I love New Years Eve. Love. Something about it seems so magical. The edge of a fresh start, a great kiss, silver and gold, a pretty dress. This year I hosted a great party with my best friend Andrea. I won't bore you with all the photos, but here are some great ones...
 Cecillia, Andrea, and me being classy as usual

 Andrea and I

The midnight hugs 

 More midnight hugs

Andrea and Amy, two of my best friends

It was so much fun; a night full of love and laughter. I couldn't have asked for a better way to jump into 2012.

I got up this morning, my last day off before the show starts up again, and thought about my resolutions.  2012 is gonna be a crazy year. Cancer free and full of fun. I don't now what I think about the Mayan calendar action, but I plan to live this year to the fullest. I am going to try to be aware and awake every day. 
There are a lot of improvements I could make in my life, hopefully this time next year, I will be a better version of the woman I am today. 

I wrote these up and plan to try and look at them at least a few times a week. To keep them fresh. To keep myself accountable for all the changes I want to make.

I am sending you all love and hope in the new year. I wish you all the best. Truly I do. Good luck with your resolutions and may we all be better people this time next year.


  1. Hi Sarah. I really like your blog. Nice job! This is your old dolly grip buddy darryl by the way. I have my own at ill link to yours. Hope you and the gang are having fun.

  2. Looks like you had fun at your party!!! Good Luck on your resolutions!

  3. Everything about this is awesome!!! Can't wait to see how this new year effects us all!!!
